Did My Medical Check Up After A Long Journey !!!

Friday, July 23, 2010
Yesterday July 22nd was my 58th birthday. Happy Birthday to Me.

Unfortunately I was on the road, started at 6:30am from KL to Kuala Pilah, N9 then to Merlimau, Melaka and by 5 pm I was in Johor Bahru. I came back and reached KL at 11:45pm.

After meeting a good friend who owned a number of BH in Kota Tinggi area, I drove home to get my self available for my medical check up the next morning.

That was how I spend my Birthday, no candle lights dinner with wife or kids but was away meeting a few people who wanted some help with their swiftlet farming projects.

Today I have decided to take a good rest and hopefully my tired and sore body will be back to normal.

What I know for sure was that I am very fortunate to be what I am.

I have spend some 7 years in Swiftlet Farming and 3 years now on full time basis.

Wrote a nice swiftlet farming blog with extra ordinary information about that precious bird and have given  a number of seminars attended by almost 300 people.

Make so many friends all of whom seem to enjoy with what I am doing.

So far I wrote about 1700 articles and recognized by many in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia.

My blog hit now reached 450,000 mark and increasing every minute.

Have done some research about swiftlet's behaviors and wrote a lots of interesting ideas on how to make those wild birds to stay once they entered a BH.

There are still a lot more things to be done and I hope one day we will discover the perfect method to populate our BH.

Hope I will continue writing and conducting those Seminars.

It will be nice that those ideas that I have posted in my blog will become a special design in all successful BHs in the region.

For this year I plan to carry out some new ideas:

1) Wanted to write a book like "Swiftlet Farming For Dummies"

2) Wanted to get all the good articles in my blog into a manual about 300 - 400 pages.

3) Wanted to start a website called "harryswiftletfarming.com.my".  This website will be more organized and full of information and services that will help newbies.

4) For the next 12 months, I would like to make at least 12 new discoveries.  One per month.

5) Have two new BH on a JV basis with my blog readers.

6) Organize one seminar per two months in Peninsular Malaysia.

7) Need to organize one seminar in Sarawak & Sabah once every three month.

8) Need to discover at least two new sounds (external or internal) that will help those who have difficulties in populating their BH.

9) Need to discover the most effective aroma for new and old BHs.

10) Will keep writing as long as I discover new things.

11) Will create a kind of video clips on some of the common "Q&A".

Best of luck to me and to all my blog readers if you have something for me to achieve my goals I will be very happy for all the contribution given.

You can help by perhaps extending your secret formula on the aroma or you latest gadget discovered or your new sound you have discovered and so on.

I would be also happy if I am invited to visit those BHs that are doing well.  Maybe will make a story of how the owner started, his hardship and how he managed to be successful.

So if you are kind enough to help please email your details to harryswiftlet@yahoo.com


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In Collaboration with Edde SandsPingLebanese Girls