14 July 2010: Sungai Burung, Penang Island

Thursday, July 15, 2010
It's mid-July, times are hard, pickings are slim!

I equipped myself with the call of Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo and headed off to some mangroves this evening, but again, not surprisingly, drew a blank!

The Copper-throated Sunbirds which I discovered 4 years ago are still in their favoured area, but less photogenic owing to the undergrowth having been cleared. Now they keep to the tops of the palms.

I told you times are bad. Reduced to photographing House Crows...

Jungle Mynas...

Crested Serpent-eagle...

Brahminy Kite...

...and Asian Glossy Starlings. Actually, these birds are one of my favourite common birds. Juvs and adults both look smart in different ways. This is a juv already starting to grow some glossy green adult feathers.

This younger juv is still all in fresh juv plumage, and the eye is just changing from brown to red.

Check out the difference in eye colour between these two birds!

This post just shows that it's not all about finding interesting and exciting birds! You have to put the hours in as well!


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